Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Report shows: Head Start works

The Head Start Program is locally administered, meaning that although the goal has remained the same since 1965, "Boost the school readiness of low-income children," programs across the nation are able to achieve that result in a way that fits the community and families they serve.

KOOTASCA Head Start serves 217 pres-school students and 36 infants and toddlers in Itasca and Koochiching counties. In Itasca County, much of the Head Start programming is in a blended model with the Invest Early Project. This model is unique to this community and allows the local program to enhance its programming further and combines resources to achieve great outcomes for more children and families.

According to the Head Start program's 2008-09 Creative Curriculum Outcomes Report, children in Itasca County area are making great strides and are entering kindergarten ready to learn.

2008-09 school year: 4year old children

Language Development:
Fall 2008: 51% proficient
Spring 2009: 87% in the highest two domains

Literacy Development:
Fall 2008: 44% proficient
Spring 2009: 82% were in highest two domains

Math Development:
Fall 2008: 38% proficient
Spring 2009: 85% proficient

Science Development:
Fall 2008: 42% proficient
Spring 2009: 86% proficient

Monday, February 22, 2010

First Time Homebuyer Alert

Must be able to acquire own mortgage,
Attend a homestretch workshop and individual counseling,
Buyer must meet required income limits,
Newly remodeled, new roof, windows, siding,
Two bedroom, basement and three stall garage,

Located at 220 SE 2nd Ave, Grand Rapids
Across the street from the old hospital site
Call Sandy at 218-999-9250 for more information

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Ladder out of Poverty Bill

This bill emerges from the Legislative Commission to End Poverty by 2020 findings and it is currently moving through Senate committees.

It focuses on building and maintaining financial assets as a key to leaving poverty permanently;

It addresses predatory lending practices that erode or deplete financial assets, and supports increased financial literacy to enhance skills for achieving and maintaining economic self sufficiency;

It establishes a Task Force to generate recommendations for the legislature to take action and draft policies that help Minnesotans to escape (or avoid) poverty through the accumulation and maintenance of financial assets.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Circles of Support Open House

You are invited to check out the new offices for the Circles of Support on Wednesday, February 17, from 1:00 - 6:00 p.m. at 805 NE 4th Street, Grand Rapids. It is in the Wendigo building across the street from Treasure Bay. Enjoy some refreshments!

Call Brianna at 999-5883
Or Alice at 999-5728

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Why be counted? Census 2010

Every year, the federal government allocates more than $400 billion to states and communities based, in part, on census data.

The census data are used to determine locations for retail stores, schools hospitals, new housing developments and other community facilities.

Did you know that ancestry tracking uses the census data?

Census data determine boundaries for state and local legislative and congressional districts. Minnesota could lose a district if we don't county everyone.

Don't forget the snowbirds that go south for the winter. We want them to be counted in Minnesota!!

Watch for your census questionaire in the mail during February or March 2010.