Friday, July 16, 2010

President Obama says thank you to Weatherization staff in the nation

Here is a thank you from President Obama for a job well done to the Weatherization Program staff on the stimulus program funded earlier this year. This is well deserved for KOOTASCA staff-they have worked hard throughout the ramp up and delivery of this program. The program has been able to serve many more households-over 400 by the end of the program- in Koochiching and Itasca counties and has brought much needed revenue to our two-county area. Five new living wage jobs were created. The weatherization funds, $6,500 per home, go directly to many contractors and vendors. It is a win-win for all!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

GAMC Health Insurance - Balancing the state budget impacts local lives

General Assistance Medical Care (GAMC) for single adults without children was eliminated in the 2009 Legislative session for up to 35,000 of the state's poorest adults. Effective July 1, 2010, systems and bureaucrats scramble to handle these changes in their work day. Working poor residents scramble to maintain an already meager standard of living that will now include no health care. Medications or rent? Join Circles of Support to hear how this impacts their daily life and future.

Monday, July 12,6-8:00 p.m.
St. Joseph's Catholic Church
Dinner at 6:00 p.m.
Call Briana at 999-5883 for child care

Sponsored by the Itasca County Guiding for Circles of Support